
Post 8: A Subject You've Enjoyed Studying This Semester

Without a doubt my favorite subject this semester was "Simulaciones Para el Ejercicio Profesional II". This is one of the most relevant subjects in our training as future dentists, since on the one hand we are taught the theoretical foundations of the different dental procedures and on the other hand it allows us to develop the manual skills that we are going to require in clinical practice. The modality of classes during this semester in this subject was in a hybrid format, that is, the theoretical part was taught online through video classes, group work and videoconferences with the guide teachers, while the practical part was carried out in person in the faculty. As for why I like this subject, it is basically because I think it is great to be able to carry out with my own hands many of the things that I learned in virtual classes, since in this way I can really realize what are those aspects that I have integrated well into my knowledge and which are those in which I shou...

Post 7: Carrer-Related Website

On the Internet there are a lot of websites related to dentistry, but I would say that one of the most interesting is the youtube channel of Dr. Federico Baena. I came to this website because when I started in my career I was looking for a lot of information on dental topics, so the youtube algorithm started recommending me different channels related to this, and this one in particular seemed good to me so I subscribed. This website is mainly focused on uploading videos that inform the general public about dental issues in an entertaining way, although it also has videos that deal with more serious topics in which professionals from different dental specialties are invited and explain the various dental treatments and they solve the most common doubts that arise around them. As for how often I visit this site, as I mentioned I am subscribed to this youtube channel, although the videos on more general topics do not attract me much, so I usually watch 3-5 videos per month. Link: http...

Post 6: How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place

Without a doubt, having an optimal state of health, both physical and mental, is one of the most important things for people. It's in this sense that oral health plays a fundamental role in maintaining comprehensive health. Dentists are the professionals in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of oral cavity pathologies, helping people when, for example, they have dental pain, occlusion problems, infectious processes or want to have a more aesthetic smile to feel more confident about themselves. That is why dentistry does a very important job, providing health and therefore making the world a better place. As for how I see myself in this process, I would say that the most important thing is to be responsible, studying as much as possible so that in the future I can contribute in the best way as a dentist and be able to give my patients treatments that meet their expectations.

Post 5: A Photograph And Its Story

This photo is from when I was playing with my ex-band at the velodrome of the national stadium and it has a very important meaning for me because it brings back memories of this event that was held for the benefit of the victims of eye trauma during the 2019 demonstrations. As for what this photograph evokes me, I would say that it is a mixture of feelings, since on the one hand having participated in this event was a good experience in which as a band we were able to share with other musicians, play for thousands of people and contribute our grain of sand to support a cause through art, although on the other hand a feeling of anger and pain also seize me when I remember the situation that existed at that time in the country, in which many people suffered damage to their physical integrity due to the fact of being in the streets demanding a more dignified life, something that could have happened to any of us who attended the marches and it is to be hoped that it will not happen again.

Post 4: A Meal or Food You Really Like

 I would say that there are several foods that I like a lot, but if I had to choose only one, I would choose the grilled pippin with french fries. To be honest, I'm really not sure why this is my favorite food, but I think maybe it is because I unconsciously relate it to my childhood when I went on vacation to the beach with my family and whenever we went to a restaurant I would eat that dish, so I think I associate it with good memories. Regarding the health contributions of this meal, although fish is a very good food that provides us with a large amount of proteins, B-complex vitamins and minerals, unfortunately it cannot be said that french fries are a healthy food, so it would be best not to eat this dish so often, to avoid problems, or it can also be to change the fries for salad or rice and enjoy a healthy and delicious meal.

Post 3: My Favourite Piece of Technology

There are many technological gadgets that are really useful in everyday life, however, I would say that my favorite piece of technology is my audio interface. If you wonder, what is that? well, it is basically a machine that allows us to translate the signal of some instrumentes (piano, guitar, microphone, etc) into a signal that a PC understand. I bought my audio interface when I was in third year of high school, because I wanted to record some songs with my band in a more professional way, and finally it turned out to be a very good acquisition, as I discovered that in addition to recording I could download certain programs on my PC that contained many guitar amp and effect emulators, so I also use my interface to practice and discover new sounds. In short, this is as piece of  technology that, although not essential in my life, has been very useful for me to improve as a musician and to carry out certain projects.

Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 When I was a child, the truth is that I was not clear about the profession that I would like to have when I grew up. I remember that every week I said that I wanted to be something different, but the professions that I said most frequently were football player, airplane pilot and veterinarian. When I was in seventh grade I formed my first musical band and due of that experience I set a goal to study Music Composition in order to become a professional musician, but for things in life I finally put that dream aside and went to study "Ingeniería Comercial" at the Universidad de Chile, but I realized that it was not what I wanted to dedicate the rest of my life, so after to analyzing several options, I decided to study Dentistry, because it is a career that has many things that I consider important and that attract me, as it is a profession in which I can help people in a direct way to regain a part of their health, in which I also have the possibility of working independently a...