Post 6: How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place

Without a doubt, having an optimal state of health, both physical and mental, is one of the most important things for people. It's in this sense that oral health plays a fundamental role in maintaining comprehensive health.

Dentists are the professionals in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of oral cavity pathologies, helping people when, for example, they have dental pain, occlusion problems, infectious processes or want to have a more aesthetic smile to feel more confident about themselves. That is why dentistry does a very important job, providing health and therefore making the world a better place.

As for how I see myself in this process, I would say that the most important thing is to be responsible, studying as much as possible so that in the future I can contribute in the best way as a dentist and be able to give my patients treatments that meet their expectations.


  1. Hello Felipe! no doubt that studying and learning day by day how to help the population being a dentist, you will be one of the best!

  2. Hello Felipe! I consider that dentistry is a complete career, that mixes both the general health and the aesthetic part of a person. It is very important what you say about being responsible and studying to meet the expectations of your future patients. I really wish you much success!

  3. Hi Felipe, I can see your passion for dentistry and I know you will be a very good dentist :)

  4. Hi Felipe! I agree with you that now it´s essential to study as much as possible, to have the necessary knowledge to care of a patient and to treat with them responsibly.


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